Key Highlights:


Nova Nicholls vs Charlie Rose vs Miss Fortune – No.1 Contendership Triple Threat

We present a historic moment for all of the women here at Alpha as the Galactic Glamazon Nova Nicholls, The Avant-Garde Charlie Rose& The Certified Bad Bitch Miss Fortunebattled it out to determine who will face the Juggernaut Jay Hunter for the Pipeworks Market Championship at WHIPLASH.


Alpha Heavyweight Championship – Slade Mercer (c) vs Jayson Krash vs Mike Kaos

It all came to a head when the Slim Reaper Mike Kaos, the Unpredictable Jaw-Jacker Jayson Krash & the Mercenary Slade Mercer met in a high-stakes Triple Threat match where the Mercenary’s Alpha Heavyweight Championship was at stake at INEVITABLE on Sunday September 21, live from Pipeworks Market Thomastown.

Any guesses who the heavy weight champion was?


Alpha Heavyweight Champion, Slade Mercer vs Jayson Krash – NON-TITLE Match

After the Mercenary Slade Mercer made himself known in the No.1 contendership match between the Unpredictable Jaw-Jacker Jayson Krash & the Slim Reaper Mike Kaos earlier in the night and the Triple Threat made for INEVITABLE, the following month, the Unpredictable Jaw-Jacker laid out the challenge for the Alpha Heavyweight Champion to face him in non-title action. Prior to this impromptu match, the rivalry between the Unpredictable Jaw-Jacker & the Mercenary stands at 1-1, with the most recent win being in the Mercenary’s record back in June.

Who won the rubber match and finally put an end to this rivalry?

If you don’t feel a thing you sure you’re human?

So we gave you a taste and you want more ’cause you had better things to do when the Action was On.
Watch some of our more popular moments and get those tissues ready!!….

And don’t forget, we have several 2024 nominations that have come through. It’s anyone’s guess who the winners are.. make sure you vote for your favourite by leaving a comment below. But do it quick. If you blink you might miss out!

Have your say below or anything else that’s on your mind.

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